The world around us. Today we talk about Japan.

 In Japan, they raise very obedient children. What is your opinion on the matter, do you think you need to listen to your parents?

 All, except one, are nodding affirmatively: “Yes, Tania, we need to listen to our parents!”

Children write letter “a” and “m”. I allow them to write the word “mama” only after “a” and “m” are written perfectly.

 I praise the kids and say: “Ingeniously written!”

 So today a boy approaches me and says:


A crying four year old girl enters the music class:

- Where is this thing that plays the mood?

- Here it is - says the teacher.

- May I?

- Yes!

Would you like to hear more school stories?


Today is a story about one girl. During the lesson of mathematics she worried a lot. I tried to explain the meaning of the word “sequence” and asked the children to stand next to each other. I put the girl first, but at some point, moving the children around, I’ve put a boy in front of her. The girl, looking gloomily at me, said out loud with an attitude:

 - I'm STARTING to get upset!
